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NNSR Member List

This is the complete list of members for NNSR, including all inherited members.

NNSR_collectData(Args *args, NNSRWork *work, int *nodeSet, int nodeSetSize)NNSR
NNSR_exec(Args *args)NNSR
NNSR_nodeSampling(NNSRWork *work, int v, int *nodeSet, int nodeSetSize)NNSR
NNSR_otoSampling(int i, int p, int MPI_size, int MPI_rank, int size, int num, int *set, int setSize, const double *oto, ytRNG *rng)NNSR
NNSR_RandomWalk(int v, ytPCGraph *g, ytDoubleArray *paFreqs, ytDoubleArray *chFreqs, int size, int num, int *set, int setSize, int limit, int resetPosition, ytIntArray *W, ytDoubleArray *P, ytRNG *rng)NNSR
NNSR_setArgs(Args *args, NNSRWork *work)NNSR
NNSR_shareNetwork(NNSRWork *work, double threshold)NNSR