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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAlgoStructure search algorithm related utility functions
 CBNRCThe BNRC score function
 CBNRC_ModelModel parameters for a single node
 CBNRC_WorkStructure for working memory
 CGreedyGreedy Hill-Climbing algorithm
 CNNSRNeighbor Node Sampling and Repeat algorithm
 CNNSRWorkWorking structure for the NNSR algorithm
 CytAdjGraphGraph by adjacent matrix
 CytArrayExpandable array
 CytBSCompiling bootstrapped networks
 CytBSplineB-Spline routines
 CytComboCombination related routines
 CytCompleteGraphComplete graph
 CytCompleteGraphSLComplete graph
 CytDataGeneral data container
 CytDLGraphGraph structure for efficient parents and children handling
 CytDoubleArrayExpandable array
 CytEdgeNetwork edge
 CytFileFile stream related routines
 CytGDFReads and Writes ytData in GDF format
 CytGraphInterface class for handling graph structure
 CytINGJSON based INGOR native network file format
 CytIntArrayExpandable array
 CytIOIO routine abstractions
 CytJobJob distribution utility routines
 CytJSONJSON parser
 CytKeyValuesKey-value pairs
 CytLogRoutines for error logging
 CytMapGraphMapping wrapper of a ytGraph instance
 CytMathMathematical routines
 CytNetUtilsUtility functions for networks
 CytNetworkNetwork abstraction
 CytNodeNetwork node
 CytNodeListNodeList network format
 CytObjectThe basis class
 CytOtoPKOnline Topological Ordering by PK Algorithm
 CytPaListParent list network file format
 CytParseArgsStructure for parsing command line arguments
 CytRNDGraphGenerating random graphs
 CytRNGStructure for encapsulating the random number generator
 CytSGN3SGN3 network format
 CytStatStatistical routines
 CytStdioBuffStandard input buffer
 CytStrString related utility routines
 CytStrArrayExpandable array
 CytStrBuffExpandable String Buffer
 CytTimerStructure for Timer functions
 CytTXTThe TXT network file format consisting of parent-child pair edge list
 CytUtilUtility functions
 CytValueWrapper class for primitive and other arbitrary types